The number of reported rape offences has increased over the last ten years (2006-2015). The increase can be partially explained by the entry into force of new sex offence legislation on 1 April 2005. This legislation entails, among other things, that certain acts which were previously classified as sexual exploitation are now classified as rape. The effect of the statutory change appeared in the statistics such that the number of reported offences in respect of sexual coercion and exploitation declined in the years immediately following the statutory change while the number of reported rapes increased. As from 1 July 2013, the sex offence legislation was again made tougher; among other things rape was expanded to include cases where the victim reacts passively. Just as t
Drenando el excedente demográfico mediante 3 estrategias:
A) destruyendo la estabilidad personal para que sólo las irresponsables o las ricas paran
B) no promoviendo el retorno de inmigrantes
C) no proponiendo un plan para evitar los suicidios
#16 las religiones abrahámicas son un culto a la muerte de los enemigos
3:4 Antes, como dirección para los hombres, y ha revelado el Criterio. Quienes no crean en los signos de Alá tendrán un castigo severo. Alá es poderoso, vengador.
3:10 A quienes no crean, ni su hacienda ni sus hijos les servirán de nada frente a Alá. Ésos servirán de combustible para el Fuego.
#6 yo he calculado con G. Earth y el 1% de la superficie urbana de toda la zona de granada capital son solares que sé que son de esa empresa, tirando por lo bajo