Si te fías de lo que dicen los psiquiatras que se ganan la vida recetandolas vamos mal. Vamos a ver... esos señores viven de eso, de recetar benzos. No van a decir que recetan basura.
"Thirty years later these initial studies appear to hold up to scrutiny and researchers continue to report on the devastating adverse effects associated with benzodiazepines. Since that time, there have been 25 warnings from six countries (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Germany) warning that anti-anxiety drugs cause harmful side effects, including cognitive impairment, amnesia, depression, hallucinations and delusional thinking, abnormal behavior, suicide risks or attempts, violence, hostility and agitation to name a few."
#11 "Researchers have long-known that benzodiazepines can cause brain damage
Posted Nov 18, 2010:
"In 1986, it was presumed that permanent brain damage may result from chronic use of benzodiazepines similar to alcohol-related brain damage"
"studies were conducted and found that cognitive dysfunction did in fact occur in patients treated long term with benzodiazepines, and although cognitive dysfunction improved after benzodiazepines were withdrawn, patients did not return to levels of functioning that matched benzodiazepine-free controls"
"“Benzodiazepine use is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The stronger association observed for long term exposures reinforces the suspicion of a possible direct association, even if benzodiazepine use might also be an early marker of a condition associated with an increased risk of dementia. Unwarranted long term use of these drugs should be considered as a public health concern.”
"March 8, 2016
A number of studies published in recent months reinforce the serious, and even life-threatening, long-term adverse effects associated with using the commonly prescribed psychiatric anti-anxiety drugs, benzodiazepines. Known to users by their trade names like Xanax, Valium, Ativan and Klonopin, the anti-anxiety medications can lead to, among other things, cognitive (memory loss) problems, addiction and death."
#16 el ayuntamieto creo que tiene una bustia para sugerencias, enviala. No va a servir de nada pero vete a saber a lo mejor tiene una posibilidad entre 1 millón.
#15 sí, lo de las eses veridico. Cierto las aceras no deberían tenerlo y sería mucho mejor, tanto por es espacio ganado, como para poder ir en línea recta. Esto lo habrá pensado alguien del ayuntamiento? Ahora que están tan pesados con las zonas peatonales, esto es una buena idea.
#6 pa los que no han estado en barna, el eixample (ensanche) es lo que une la Barcelona antigua, el centro, con los antiguos pueblos que fueron absorbidos por Barcelona y que ahora son barrios, sants, sant andreu, gracia... que son más bonitos que el eixample, que es igual por todas partes. Esa es la zona, el barrio, que tiene chanflanes, el resto de Barcelona no tiene.