#22 Puedes hacer de todo... con la parte que se ejecuta en tu navegador.
Con el ejemplo de Amazon, puedes cambiar los precios que se ven en tu ordenador, pero lo que no puedes es cambiar los precios que están guardados en los servidores de Amazon (y que es lo que se usa para cobrarte).
#19 > Están esperando con las lanzas tiradas en el suelo mientras se repiten entre ellos "hold", como en la escena de la carga de caballería de Braveheart
Description: YouTube embedded to normal YouTube
Include pattern: https:\/\/www\.youtube(-nocookie)?\.com\/embed\/([^\/\?]+)(.*)?
Redirect to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=$2$3
Pattern type: [x] Regular Expression
Pattern Description: "/embed/" to "/watch?v="
Description: YouTube channel landing page to video list (add ?nr to avoid redirection)
Include pattern: (https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/(c|channel|user)\/[^\?\/]+)(\?.*)?$
Redirect to: $1/videos$3
Pattern type: [x] Regular Expression
Pattern Description: Add "/videos" to channel URL
(Advanced options) Exclude pattern: \?nr
#99 En mi caso veo el diseño antiguo incluso entrando con www.reddit.com; creo que ni siquiera necesitas RES, si en old.reddit.com/prefs/ desmarcas "Use new Reddit as my default experience", creo que es suficiente. Eso sí, solo funciona si usas reddit logueado.
Otra opción para este tipo de cosas es Redirector (einaregilsson.com/redirector/), Yo le he encontrado utilidad para redireccionar las noticias de meneame a meneame/best-comments, twitter a threadreaderapp, embed youtube a youtube y youtube channel a youtube video list.
Very nice music from a very long xylophone in the forest.
No CG or tape-cut. Four days spent.
This is for a newly launched cell phone of NTT Docomo, the largest mobile service provider in Japan. Shell of the new phone is wood and their idea is to use domestic woods that are produced after preservative maintenance of Japanese forest.
Music: "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", by Bach
Cannes Lion Award Winner 2010
The main reason behind this train of thought was that they thought that blindfold chess may contribute to going crazy. They looked at Morphy and Pillsbury as their primary examples. Lasker, specifically, thought that blindfold chess made Pillsbury go mad, but we now know it was syphilis. Other than just plain incorrect assumptions like Lasker's, this is an incredibly small sample size no matter how you cut it, and we are talking about judging this on 90+-year-old "science", if you can call it that.