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En menéame desde junio de 2016

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Comportamiento de los españoles visto por una rusa " los homosexuales pasean por la calle " [53]

  1. There is another famous Russian youtuber who speaks in Spanish. She speaks like the lady of this post. Very sweet, very smooth.


    #22 not a problem to me
  1. In Russia men born more than women, like everywhere, but after 25, men die, so there are a lot of single ladies and ladies have to fight for men.

    Distribución por sexo: al nacer: 1,06 hombre(s)/mujer
    0-14 años: 1,06 hombre(s)/mujer
    15-24 años: 1,05 hombre(s)/mujer
    25-54 años: 0,96 hombre(s)/mujer
    55-64 años: 0,86 hombre(s)/mujer
    65 años y más: 0,44 hombre(s)/mujer
    población total: 0,86 hombre(s)/mujer (2014 est.)

La M, la letra que atemoriza a los yihadistas en la ciudad iraquí de Mosul [53]

  1. #35 Thank your Sir! Pretty kind words.

Durante el golpe, los F-16 rebeldes tuvieron el Jet del presidente en el punto de mira. [ENG] [11]

  1. #0 the excerpt has to be in Spanish

La M, la letra que atemoriza a los yihadistas en la ciudad iraquí de Mosul [53]

  1. #30 #31 what do you mean?
  1. #28 It's the Internet.
  1. #26 More people are going to understand me when I use English.
  1. #24 I'm a world citizen.
  1. #21 On the contrary. I'm spending my time wisely and you can do it as well.
  1. #19 I'm very sorry if you put me in your ignored user list but I can't do anything about that.

Llamar a los seguidores de Corbyn indulgentes, clase media y fuera-de-larealidad es un insulto para la clase obrera[ENG] [7]

  1. #5 Yes, starting from Spain.
  1. Well. We have a real problem with left parties who don't care anything more than middle class problems.

La M, la letra que atemoriza a los yihadistas en la ciudad iraquí de Mosul [53]

  1. The letter mim is م

    but, as you probably know in Arabic, letters are written differently if they are at the beginning, in the middle or at the end, so it can be different depending their place.

    م / مـ / ـمـ / ـم


Ex oficial de la CIA: El golpe de estado turco ha sido poco profesional [104]

  1. #70 oh! you think it could be better "who are having a coup every ten years". I don't know. Probably you are right.


La moda del lenguaje, invadida por los anglicismos [14]

  1. A very old fashion

Ex oficial de la CIA: El golpe de estado turco ha sido poco profesional [104]

  1. #66 When I said they have coups d'etat every ten years, it is not correct, but in a previous comment of mine you can see when they had coups www.meneame.net/story/ejercito-turco-declara-ley-marcial-segun-medios- in the past.

    I am a Spanish native speaker.
  1. everyone seems to be an expert in coup d'etats, but the real experts are the turks who have a coup every ten years. nobody can do better a coup than them.

El Ejército turco declara la ley marcial, según medios locales [90]

  1. #86 Don't worry. In time I'll write comments like the harry potter books.
  1. #84 Many comments I used this night are copy and paste from comments on reddit. Could you tell me what comments are wrong? Thanks in advance.

Erdogan no pudo aterrizar en Estambul y se dirige en un avión a Alemania [173]

  1. Mosques are playing Ezan (call to prayer) in Istanbul too. Unusual for this hour of the day.

El Ejército turco declara la ley marcial, según medios locales [90]

  1. #71 Like the Matrix.
  1. Sky - Reports of clashes between police and military.
    NBC reporting that Erdogan has requested asylum in Germany
  1. #55 Omg, where are the vowels? Welsh looks cool xD
  1. PM (Erdogan?) says security forces will "retaliate" & "everything necessary will be done even if that means fatalities""

  1. #46 We know people always choose right...
