Yo lo veo un shock terrible e innecesario para el animal. No solo por que sea cruel para el si no por que si sufre ese estrés en sus últimos momentos de vida puede derivar en problemas de salud que hagan que su carne no sea igual de buena.
(Ya, había quedado como vegetariano cool en la primera frase y luego la he cagado )
The Discovery Channel is broadcast to the world their commitment to saving the planet and do that immediately followed:
1. The Discovery Channel and is affiliated must have channels of television programs daily at prime time slots based on Daniel Quinn Ishmael "My" pages 207-212, where solutions to save the planet would be quite the same way as industrial revolution has been done by people based on inventive ideas of others. Emphasis should be given about how people can live without giving birth to children dirtiest man, since these additions continue polluting and pollution. A competition game show format would be in order. Perhaps forums eminent scientists who understand and agree with the science of Malthus and Darwin, the problem of human overpopulation. Do both. Do all until something works and the natural world and the improvement begins Rights stops building civilization and is reversed! Make it interesting for people WATCH and implement solutions!
2. All programs on Discovery Health, TLC must stop encouraging the birth of a child more parasite of man and the false heroism behind these actions. In fact, these programs, programs promoting male sterilization and sterility must be pushed. All programs of the former pro-birth must now grow in the direction of stopping the birth of man, not encourage it.
3. All programs promote the war and the technology behind them must stop. There is no sense in advertising for more weapons of mass destruction. Instead, talk about how to dismantle civilization and focus the message to find solutions to global conflicts mechanized military. Again, solutions solutions instead of simply repeating the same old war with new weapons. Also, keep the peace movements fraudulent. They are liars and false and had no real intention to end the war. All are FAKE! On one hand, they claim they want the war to end, on the other hand, they require increasing human population. The… » ver todo el comentario
No solo facebook, el corte inglés te pone problemas para abrir cualquier empresa que tenga la palabra esfera por su tienda de ropa Sfera. Da igual que no se escriba igual, no te dejan registrarlo sin luchar y tienen mucho dinero para abogados...
#29 No generalicemos que ni todos los motoristas son unos irresponsables ni unos santos y hablar de la muerte tan a la ligera a un sector tan sensibilizado por el tema no es de recibo.
#15 |Lo de ir a 200 por hora de crucero, con los tiempos que corren, es una entelequía.
Te la escribo bien ya que me has hecho buscarla porque desconocía su significado.
#5 Si, un excelente maltratador de animales, y creo que a su mujer también le pegó alguna vez. Creo que no deberiamos dejar de hablar mal de la gente solo por que estén muertos.
Haz turismo invadiendo un país
tu serás el rey del noticiario
te verá tu mama orgullosa
disparando algún pobre muchacho.
Haz turismo invadiendo un país
es barato y te pagan la estancia.
Haz turismo invadiendo un país
Panamá, Nicaragua o Numancia.
(Ya, había quedado como vegetariano cool en la primera frase y luego la he cagado )