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NATO: Guardian of peace or bellicose bully? [Interview with Rasmussen]  

"We are pretty close to a new Cold War because of Russia's illegal actions in Ukraine," says former Secretary-General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen who led the alliance from 2009 to 2014. "I would say NATO is the most successful peace movement the world has ever known". In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister and former NATO chief, on the West's military alliance's role in Eastern Europe and the so-called War on Terror. On Youtube:

| etiquetas: nato , rasmussen , war , russia
#1 Si no recuerdo mal es el único envío del Ajazeera que mando de tropecientos envíos, además, es una exclusiva. :palm: ¿Qué te pasa, colega?
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