#70 El link habla tambien de HTS, entre otras cosas de su especial pasión por reclutar y adoctrinar niños en Afrin y alrededores y con colaboración turca. El informe lo tienes en pdf enlazado en el artículo, en el resumen ni HTS ni NSA son mencionados explicitamente.
Recruitment of children
As outlined in the UN Security Council report from 23 April 2021,18 the recruitment and use of children
by parties to the conflict continues to be widespread and systematic across different areas in Syria.
Among the 25 parties reported to be involved in child recruitment, including the Kurdish People’s
Protection Units (YPG), Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), Free Syrian Army (FSA), Ahrar al-Sham,
and other armed groups under the Syrian national army, the HTS stands out for its extensive
involvement in recruiting and training children .
The report highlights 507 cases of HTS’s systematic recruitment of children aged 15 to 17. According
to YASA,19 a recent training conducted by HTS involved approximately 25 children, most of whom are
believed to be former ISIS children, smuggled into the region by Turkish occupation intelligence during
the battle of Baghouz.
The training, conducted in areas such as Diwa near Jenderes, consists of two stages. The first stage
includes Sharia courses aimed at influencing participants’ beliefs and ideologies. The second involves
practical training in assassination, handling individual weapons, and various military tactics,
reminiscent of ISIS recruitment and training tactics for the infamous ‘cubs of the caliphate’ .
HTS has a long-standing history of recruiting children, dating back to the establishment of the Jabhet
al-Nusra (JAN) in January 2012, setting up numerous training centres and enticing children to join with
Sharia courses and financial incentives.
Reports by organizations including Syrians for Truth and Justice in May 202020 indicated that HTS
recruited dozens, possibly hundreds, of children under the age of 18 through recruitment campaigns
aligned with Syrian regime forces’ military campaigns in Idlib Governorate. These campaigns, for
example, Jahid be-Nafsak (Invest Yourself in the Strife) and ‘Infiro Khifafan wa-Thikalan (Go Forth,
whether Light or Heavy), primarily targeted residents of camps for displaced persons near the Turkish-
Syrian border, attracting children with financial incentives and the promise of engaging in Jihad or holy
struggle for the sake of God.
#66 Tanto HTS como NSA han estado presentes en Afrin como uña y carne y con bendicion turca. Y han sido marcas usadas indistintamente por las mismas fuerzas. La NSA ha tenido escisiones a las que han combatido con HTS y tambien han ido juntas contra Jaysh al-Islam, otra marca islamista post ISIS.
HTS, by far the strongest remaining rebel faction, has allied with former foes including the Hamzah Division, Sultan Suleiman Shah Division, Ahrar al-Sham and the remnants of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, all rebel factions that belong to the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) grouping. (2022) www.middleeasteye.net/news/syria-afrin-hts-storms-city-rebel-infightin HTS creeping take-over of Afrin leaves Turkey ‘unconcerned’ (2023) npasyria.com/en/95932/
#1 Ademas literal, es que ellos lo admiten abiertamente. Estan compitiendo a ver que batallon consigue matar mas gente en el corredor Netzarim y ademas admitiendo que de cada 200 muertos si acaso unos 10 tendran que ver con Hamas.
#10 Un ramillete de flores para Netanyahu. Los follacabras del Free Syrian Army han sido amiguito de los sionistas desde el principio y literalmente han dicho “We hope that after the fall of Assad, Israel will plant a rose in the Syrian garden and will support the Syrian people.” www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/12/07/738636/Syrian-rebel-commander-urges-I
#2 El efecto mariposa clave es el de Assad dando la espalda a Iran para que la Liga Arabe volviera a aceptar a Siria, algo que consiguió a cambio de quedarse en pelotas frente Al Qaeda.
#26 Mas allá de generalizaciones baratas no ha habido facción que reciba mas simpatia en este agregador de noticias que las YPG y eso que tenian tanto a EEUU como a Rusia y Assad mismo dandoles apoyo contra ISIS.
Respecto a la noticia de la CNN... Es la CNN quien se esta disculpando por esa demostracion de "periodismo"
#38 De falacias nada, HTS y amigos llevan un buen tiempo en Afrin antes de la ofensiva demostrando quienes son. Y mas que nadie son los kurdos los que se van a llevar la peor parte.
The incidents reported in this update encompass a wide spectrum of events of concern, including continued violations of rights to physical integrity of civilians in the area through arbitrary detention and torture, kidnapping for ransom, forced marriage and gender-based violence, in addition to the recruitment of children by the armed factions, the impact of the earthquake and discrimination in the distribution of aid, the persistent presence of Turkish forces in Afrin and continued attacks on cultural celebrations such as Newroz.
Furthermore, findings show demographic shifts through forced migration, the destruction of graves and historical sites, illegal archaeological excavation, the deliberate destruction of olive trees, the burning of fields, and violations of housing, land, and property rights in the region.
#7 El melon a abrir es que tambien dentro de la misma UE pueden haber intereses contrapuestos. Y que del carro de la militarización tiren Polonia o los Bálticos implica un dirección concreta que no tiene por qué representar el interes general de los Europeos. Con suerte encontramos formas de articular la defensa europea sin una división que exploten terceros.
Delegar la defensa es delegar tu soberania e intereses. Si la inversión militar significa deja de ser la provincia periférica del imperio adelante. Pero para morir por Washington que esperen sentados
#13 Visto el insider trading salvaje de los congresistas y las donaciones de los lobbies a calzon quitao… lo llevan genial. Musk va a hacer como minimo lo que Cheney con Halliburton
#70 El Sinai es un erial incontrolable que sirve de buffer con Egipto proper. Aparte de que los yankis les obligaron a devolverlo a Sadat para reabrir Suez.
#15 No se cuentan desaparecidos en ese mar de escombros o muertos por hambre o las condiciones insalubres. Son asesinados directos por balas y bombas que han podido ser identificados.