Publicado hace 2 años por isaac.hacksimov a

Una empresa de colorado toma el control del termostato de 22.000 hogares en plena ola de calor.



"It's a voluntary program. Let's remember that this is something that customers choose to be a part of based on the incentives," said Emmett Romine, vice president of customer solutions and innovation at Xcel. Customers receive a $100 credit for enrolling in the program and $25 annually, but Romine said customers also agree to give up some control to save energy and money and make the system more reliable.

Aceptaron recibir dinero a cambio que en casos que se considerase oportuno se llevase a cabo ese bloqueo.


#1 venia a decir lo mismo. No hay noticia.

#0 si esqueeeee … hay que leer la noticia entera antes de hacer la entradilla