Hace 17 años | Por adeu a jackslocum.com
Publicado hace 17 años por adeu a jackslocum.com

Puede ser un verdadero lío para el que tenga muchos comentarios...;-) For quite some time I have wanted to upgrade my WordPress comments system. I had some free time yesterday so I decided to go through the WordPress internals and figure out how some of it worked. Before I knew what had happened, it was 3:00am and I had a working prototype. It worked so well in my preliminary testing, I decided to deploy it to my blog and see what you guys thought.25





Llevo poco en meneame. Quisiera que alguien me explicara como funciona ésto. Como puede resultar irrelevante, porque no estaba duplicada, una noticia con los siguientes datos(515) en pocas horas en delicious?

Jack Slocum's Blog » WordPress Comments System built with Yahoo! UI

to 2.0 2006 interesting ajax internet weblog webdesign reference article blog resources blogging wordpress web2.0 web ... saved by 515 other people ... 4 hours ago.