Hace 9 años | Por Rafaelo a thinkinghumanity.com
Publicado hace 9 años por Rafaelo a thinkinghumanity.com

The Spanish citizens' committee to control debt sympathizes with Greece, through a video they made and uploaded to their page. The committee also created a special blog (www.AuditamosGrecia.org) in order its members to keep track of the Debt Audit Commission set up by the Greek chairman of the Parliament, Life Konstantopoulou. The «Auditamos Grecia» is sending the message from their website to the Greek people: "You are not alone! We are all Greece!" - See more at: http://www.thinkinghumanity.com/2015/06/watch-what-spanish-people-did-for-gree



Pero a parte de eso... ¿qué han hecho los españoles por nosotros?


#3 La tortilla y prohibir el gallego.


#0 Observa lo que te falta al principio del titular: ¡


¡El sufrido y noble pueblo español!