edición general
22 meneos

Un hospital británico indemniza a un electricista español por reírse de su acento [Ingles]

C&P " A Spanish electrician who workmates nicknamed Manuel after the waiter in Fawlty Towers is set to receive thousands of pounds in compensation."..."Mr Ignacio, 33, who has lived in Britain for five years, was seeking almost £30,000 for alleged racial discrimination, harassment and constructive dismissal in an employment tribunal case against hospital owner HCA International and two bosses - estates manager Chris Sweeney and chief engineer Richard Metcalfe." Relacionada meneame.net/story/trabajador-espanol-denuncia-hospital-londinense

| etiquetas: españa , inglaterra , racismo , hospital , fawlty towers
21 1 0 K 161 mnm
21 1 0 K 161 mnm
