Hace 12 años | Por japeal a microsiervos.com
Publicado hace 12 años por japeal a microsiervos.com

En Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog, vía PD_Smith: Cervezas en el Apocalipsis — Una de las líneas de investigación nuclear llevadas a cabo en 1955 trató de responder a una simple pregunta: ¿qué beberían los supervivientes en un mundo apocalíptico?Para responder... Bombas atómicas sobre botellas de cerveza para ver si se puede seguir bebiendo en el armagedón nuclear |...



Y así se invento la Nuke Cola


#2 Nuka Cola my friend. ;D


#3 Oh, si. Hicieron algo más que "probarlas", las cataron metódica y cientificamente, incluyendo un grupo de control no bombardeado


As for radiation, only the bottles closest to Ground Zero had much radioactivity, and even that was “well within the permissible limits for emergency use,” which is to say, it won’t hurt you in the short term. The liquid itself was somewhat shielded by the bottles of the containers which picked up some of the radioactivity.

But there were, of course, still pressing questions to be resolved… how did it taste?

Examination made immediately upon recovery showed no observable gross changes in the appearance of the beverages. Immediate taste tests indicated that the beverages, both beer and soft drinks, were still of commercial quality, although there was evidence of a slight flavor change in some of the products exposed at 1270 ft from GZ [Ground Zero]. Those farther away showed no change.

Immediate taste tests… So immediately after they nuked some beer and soda, someone — it doesn’t say who — took a swig of them. In the name of Science. But of course, they didn’t stop just there:

Representative samples of the various exposed packaged beers, as well as un-exposed control samples in both cans and bottles, were submitted to five qualified laboratories for carefully controlled taste-testing. The cumulative opinions on the various beers indicated a range from “commercial quality” on through “aged” and “definitely off.” All agreed, however, that the beer could unquestionably be used as an emergency source of potable beverages. Obviously, if a large storage of such packaged beers was to be trapped in a zone of such intense radiation following a nuclear explosion, ultimate usage of the beverages beyond the emergency utility would likely be subject to review of the taste before return to commercial distribution.

#6 Otra muestra de cómo el stablishment de Washington discrimina a la Sunset Sarsaparilla...


Por fin un estudio relevante lol


En fin... gran estudio ese. Ya podian haber destinado mas recursos a como se podria evitar un armagedon nuclear. 70 años despues aun no le han sacado rendimiento al estudio y espero que muchos mas.


Aunque algunas de las bebidas evidenciaban un ligero cambio de sabor.
¿Es que las probó alguien?


#3 No seria muy extraño en una epoca en la que las explosiones nucleares, eran como tomar baños de sol para los militares.


Y no solo EUU, sino Rusia o Francia, experimentaban con ellos sin problema.


Pues el otro día llevaba una litrona sin abrir en la bolsa de la compra y de repente explotó ella solita sin venir a cuento mientras caminaba...


Así nació la Duff y por eso los Simpson son amarillos